
Average IMDb ratings of Cheers episodes. Does Rebecca or Diane win?
August 28, 2021Take a break from all your worries by looking at this visualisation showing average IMDb ratings of Cheers episodes!

Protein density of different foods
August 28, 2021Which foods are the best sources of protein, when you take the weight and number of calories into account?

The Iliad – which characters are mentioned by name the most?
August 28, 2021The Iliad is one of the oldest pieces of western literature, and features some names you know well, like Aphrodite, Zeus, and Achilles. How often are each of these characters mentioned by name? And where in the story are they mentioned most?

When does middle age start?
August 28, 2021When does middle age begin? Does your age, gender, or where you live affect your answer to this question? Data from the European Social Survey has some clues…

Formula 1 historical stats dashboard
August 28, 2021Which F1 driver has started the most races? Who has won the most? Is F1 getting less competitive now, with richer teams taking all the spoils? I made a dashboard to find out.